Nonsense is a 6th sense

Hello and welcome! I am Jeremy, a.k.a; Sherlock, Home-Slice, or Germy from Germany has Germs, and I make stuff for kids. Sometimes, I sit at an old wooden typewriter desk, deep in my underground lair, jotting and scribbling tall tales and fanciful pictures for picture books. Other times, I join bands of merrymakers to think up and fabricate waggish puppets for shows on the telly. This one time, I created something that was kind of a picture book and kind of a puppet. It told the sad story of an Old Lady and her unconventional eating habits. Anyway, when I’m not making stuff or making stuff up, I can be found wandering the woods of Pennsylvania with my family, coffee in hand, looking for a small, red, Goudy inspired door at the base of an ancient oak tree.

If you dig my work and fancy collaborating with me on a book, please contact my wonderful agent Rebecca Sherman of Writers House.

For all other creative and/or curious inquiries, feel free to contact me, Germy of Germany.